Home Improvement

Facts to know about your homes drainage

The drainage system within our homes is one that we often take from granted, That is until our sinks and toilets start to back up and you need to call a Blocked Drain Croydon company to come and help you out. It is a very simple system and here are some interesting facts that you may not know.

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  • Your household drainage system actually works by gravity in that waste water flows in a downwards direction through a selection of carefully constructed pipes.
  • Air is needed to enter these pipes in order to ensure that the water flows freely and a suction block does not occur.
  • All of your wastewater joins together in one central wastewater flow that then exits the house and joins together with the main sewage system that flows down your street.

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  • Fat is one of the biggest culprits of blocked drains. All of the oil and fat that is washed off your plates and pots and pans can congea together to form what is known as ‘fatbergs‘ These balls of fat can grow to incredible sizes and position themselves in your pipework and can block the free flow of water. Hair is another culprit that is often washed down our shower and bath plug holes and can cause issues further down your pipes.