Web Design

The importance of graphic design

Graphic design is essential because we can process visuals and images much quicker than text. Studies have proven that we process images and visuals many thousands times quicker than text alone. Humans are also wired for visual processing in terms of information that is sent to the brain. 90% of information sent to our ladies is visual.

This means, at a very high level, that strong graphic design is important if you want to attract potential clients in the most effective way. There are also other reasons.

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First impressions only occur once

We’ve all probably experienced the frustration of visiting a website that looks like it’s been out-of-date since the 90s. So we close the page and search for alternatives. You only have one chance to impress a new customer. If you don’t make an impression, then you will lose out.

You shouldn’t go overboard with your graphic design, but you should appeal instantly to the target audience. Modern business is highly competitive in particular the digital world, so any advantage you have over your competition needs to be emphasised. Quality designs should be a part of your marketing arsenal. For advice from a Graphic Design Agency Birmingham, contact birmingham.nettl.com/creative-agency-birmingham/

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Attention is key to capturing and maintaining attention

Consumers are affected every day by a plethora of marketing campaigns. Advertising is all around us, on and offline. Not only do you have to attract potential customers and clients, but also keep it. Graphics in design are a great way to achieve this. Graphic designers can use design to captivate the audience and foster curiosity.

Your marketing message will not be heard if you do not have good graphic design, or if this part of your business is neglected. It is important to have good graphics that will first grab the attention of your audience and hold it.