
How is climate change impacting your business?

Fossil fuels, which are the world’s main source of power, are quickly running out, as well as being costly, inefficient, environmentally unfriendly, and unsustainable. It is absolutely essential, therefore, that businesses, and the general public, look to alter the way their energy is produced and adapt their processes to suit. This approaching energy crisis, caused in part by climate change, could be catastrophic for those who have yet to adapt.

So, why are all businesses not currently researching alternative energy? Quite simply, many companies simply overlook the issue or may be reluctant to change due to perceived costs, inexperience, or a fear of new ideas. It is essential for businesses to research methods of power now though, and ensure that they can meet demand, effectively compete in the market, and remain efficient and sustainable. A failure to meet new energy guidelines could also place a business in breach of the law; researching alternatives is vital to a company’s livelihood.

Sourcing alternative energy

It is essential for businesses to invest in alternative energy sources and, in doing so, invest in their future. The long-term implications of alternative fuel are far-reaching, including better sustainability, being more environmentally friendly, and proving to be cost-effective when compared to current means of power, in short, businesses can seldom afford to ignore the issue of climate change and alternative energy. Similarly, the impact of not switching to alternative energy could include losing business to their competition, being left behind in terms of technological advancement, and being fined by the government bodies charged with setting businesses straight. Those who fail to see the implications of climate change, or manage their environmental impact, risk their whole livelihood.

There are a number of different energy sources currently being explored, from wind, solar, and tidal power, to processes that clean up coal and diesel usage, the advancement of electricity as a form of fuel, geothermal energy, and the use of methanogens — tiny methane-producing bacteria. While these alternative energy sources are often more sustainable, environmentally friendly and cost-effective than fossil fuels, they can be expensive to establish, or particularly complex to install; many businesses cannot see the benefits beyond the short-term complications. However, it is naïve to think that the energy debate is as easy as phasing one fuel out for another, and businesses must be prepared to do their research or risk being left behind.