
10 Tips for Starting a Successful Business

The entrepreneur is the person who has the resolution to execute a project that seeks change, either in his own life, in his environment, or in society.

An entrepreneur could become an entrepreneur if that project becomes a company that manages in whole or in part. But to be a good entrepreneur you will need not only your effort but the knowledge of business tools to manage it correctly. Here are 10 keys to the success of a venture:

  1. Act

It is not enough to have good ideas and projects on paper, the entrepreneur is the one who carries out those ideas and moves to action. If obtaining the product or service you want is complicated and expensive, it is advisable to start by creating a minimal, reduced version of that product or service but retaining the essence of the original idea, in this way, you can test the product to a minor Cost and with lower risks.

  1. Start with what you have

Every entrepreneur should be clear about what he has today, such as his contact list; Assets (a car, a house with a space for an office, money, tools); studies; Privileged knowledge about a product or sector, etc. It is recommended to make a list of all the facilitators, tools and knowledge that can be used to start a business idea. Once the list is complete, carry out the following reflection “What can I do with everything I have?” And use what can most easily generate cash flow.

  1. Set goals on the road while you discover what else you can do

An entrepreneur is not necessarily clear where he will end the road he is taking because on the way they are opening and closing doors. But it is important to set achievable short-term goals because these goals will help you feel that you are moving forward.

  1. Define how much you are willing to lose

Although it is uncertain to determine from the beginning what will be gained with a business idea, one must determine the maximum that one is willing to lose, both in money, in time, and in the image before society. So, the following questions should be asked: Am I willing to lose my job because of my entrepreneurship? Do I lose my friendships by offering them a product or service that I do not know if it’s going to be of good quality? Will I only risk the money saved or could I take part of the money I use for my family expenses?

  1. Find allies to help you along the way

What an entrepreneur must always do is seek allies. Always. Looking for people who can help you make it easier that way you are going to start walking. It can be a friend, a partner or a provider. There will always be someone who has what the entrepreneur needs.

  1. You must be alert to opportunities

An entrepreneur has to learn to detect business opportunities, and for this he must always be alert, thinking how each situation that he lives, every person he knows, every information he receives can help him in his project.

  1. Increase your chances of winning

The more opportunities the entrepreneur takes, the more his chances of winning are diversified. For example, if you touch the door to 100 customers and 10% open the door, it is a good result. On the other hand, if you only touch a customer’s door and do not open it, there will be a problem.

  1. Learn from mistakes

This is one of the most important lessons: when you make a mistake, learn from it and try not to repeat it in the future. Learn to create systematic solutions that capitalize the error and avoid making the same mistakes.

  1. Create the future

The entrepreneur must make things happen. While you should listen to what is being said about the future, your focus should be the change you want to make and build that future despite third-party predictions. Everything is possible, measuring the risks if the person arises.

  1. Turn adversity into opportunities

With experience, adversity becomes an opportunity. Whenever there is a problem the entrepreneur should think “How can I take advantage of the situation that is leaving me this problem? Is there anything that I can gain from this situation that I am going through? “For example, a person who falls out of work and no one hires him can take advantage of that moment and make a personal venture.