Technology News

Solar power: the pros and cons

Despite technological advances and an increased focus on renewable energy, solar panels are still a somewhat controversial topic. So, what are significant pros and cons?

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Advantages of solar panels

1. As the sun is essentially unlimited, solar panels will be able to harness its energy indefinitely.

2. Solar panels can work in any climate.

3. Solar panels produce fewer greenhouse gases, reduce carbon emissions, and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

4. Using solar panels can result in reduced energy bills. The amount saved can be as much as £1200 per year.

5. A greener home is more attractive to buyers, and homes with solar panels are actually worth more than the same property without them. The premium is between 0.9 and 2%

6. Solar panels don’t require a lot of upkeep, and maintenance costs are low. They last around 25-30 years on average.

Specialist solar panel installers Yate

If you are thinking of adding solar panels to your property, there are plenty of solar panel installers in Yate and the surrounding area who can give you advice as to the viability and different options. Many of these firms have online resources that you can peruse – such as the examples seen here

Downsides of solar panels

Although there are plenty of advantages, there are some downsides to be aware of.

1. They are, to some extent, weather-dependent. Solar panels do produce significantly more electricity when there is sunlight vs when there isn’t.

2. The panels are not (currently) very easy to recycle.

3. Although they will usually pay for themselves over a decade or so, there is often a quite significant up-front cost.

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  1. They take up quite a lot of space – and are not always attractive, although this is changing.