Home Improvement

What to do if your outside drain becomes blocked

If you have a build-up of water around your property or an unpleasant smell from an outside drain, a blockage is likely to be the cause. Blocked drains are a common problem, and can become worse if left untreated. Whether it is a wastewater drain in Winchester or sewer pipe lining Solihull, if you are experiencing a blocked drain, here are some ways to fix it.
Assess the Drain

To remove a blockage, you need to identify the cause. Look closely at the drain and drain pipe. If there is obvious debris, such as leaves, removing them may fix the problem. If you suspect a blockage further inside the drain, you may need to take off the cover for a more detailed investigation.

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Deeper Blockages

If a drain blockage is out of sight, you may need to use drain rods and a high-pressure hose to reach and break up the material inside. If you are still unable to remove the blockage or suspect a problem with hazardous drains such as sewers, then call in a professional. Websites such as https://www.wilkinson-env.co.uk/sewer-repairs-drain-lining-concrete-cutting/drain-repairs/solihull/ are a good place to start.

Preventing Blocked Drains

Blocked drains are a nuisance, but you can minimise the risk of them happening on your property. Always dispose of bathroom products such as sanitary wear, cotton wool and wet wipes in a bin, rather than flushing down the toilet.

Also, be mindful of what goes down your kitchen sink, as cooking fats can lead to big problems if they solidify inside a drain. As described by RICS, fats and wet wipes are a growing problem within sewerage systems, contributing to the development of fatbergs.

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Blocked drains are a hazard to your property. If you notice a build-up of water, take action to fix it promptly.