Home Improvement

Rules and Regulations of your Garden Fence

A garden fence can be a contentious thing – frequently questions will pop up regarding a garden fence, and they are a big part of our home security too. Fences are known to cause disputes between neighbours and even get you into trouble with the local council if you get it wrong!

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When it comes to getting a fence installed, it is always best to go to the professionals like this fencing Gloucester based company https://www.greenfieldsltd.co.uk/services/fencing – but you do need to be aware of some of the rules and regulations around fencing if you want to avoid any problems arising from your new fence…

The Height – Fence height is something that many people need to be aware of. Of course, a fence that is higher is appealing to those who want good home security and also privacy in their back garden. However, you do need to ensure that you adhere to the rules. The highest fence generally for a back garden is 6 foot and 6 inches, and for a front garden 4 foot. However, there are a myriad of other rules to adhere to in some situations – if you want to put a fence up around a listed building for example, you must always get planning permission to do this.

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Which Side is Yours – This comes up again and again in neighbourly disputes. Many people say it is always the right side, however this is not always the case and the answer to this can only be found in the deeds of your own house.