Home Improvement

Interior Design Tips For Rooms With High Celings

There’s something awe-inspiring about walking into a beautiful spacious room with gorgeous high ceilings and generous room space. Made popular during Victorian times, rooms with high ceilings are seen as luxurious and help create the air of grandeur throughout the property.Lots of lifestyle blogs in the UK are reporting on this trend and it seems that even some modern houses have been built with higher ceilings to satisfy the rising demand.

Rooms with high ceilings are perfect for creating a warm and cozy space however they can prove to be quite tricky to decorate.If you are lucky enough to have high ceilinged rooms we’ve put together our top decorating tips to help get the most out of your unique and wonderful space.

Colour Scheme  

Your choice of wall and room colour takes on some added significance in tall, high ceiling rooms. The main criticism of most large rooms is that its too easy for the room to feel cold and detached because of the increased space. This is a fair point and in many poorly designed large rooms this point definitely hits home, however its easy to avoid this if you chose the right colours for your walls and ceilings.

The trick in tall room is to employ warm colours on the walls and ceilings. Warm colours such as oranges and reds will physically make the room seem warmer and these can be complemented with traditional dark colours. Dark colours absorb much of the natural light making the room feel slightly smaller and this is perfect in rooms where a lack of space is not an issue.

Pick a Pattern

Patterns are also great for making a room seem slightly smaller than it actually is and as they make great pieces of decor, using a pattern piece of wall fabric in a high ceilinged room is generally a good idea. Bold patterns tend to work better in large rooms as oppose to in smaller rooms. A large room can support a big bold pattern, while smaller patterns tend to get lost in a large rooms so it’s best to avoid those. Using patterns to create a fresh, unique style is not a new phenomenon but it’s definitely worthwhile experimenting to see if you can find a pattern style that suits your room

Furniture Arrangement

Your furniture arrangement takes on added importance in larger rooms too. As a rule of thumb try to centre your furniture to create a balanced room and where possible make sure your furniture is proportionate to your room size. There’s not much point using petite furniture in a large room as the sizing is wrong and the room will appear uneven.

Rooms with high ceilings are always in demand and they definitely fetch a premium over a similar sized room with small ceilings, but that said many people find decorating them quite difficult.  If you have a tall room hopefully the tips above will help you get the most out of your room.