
Which laundry detergent should you use for wool?

Knitwear is cosy, versatile and super stylish – but it can also be tricky to wash due to its delicate fabric. Keeping your woollen wear in tip-top condition requires careful and gentle washing, which will help to avoid a shrunken sweater, discolouration or damage to the fabric.

So which laundry detergents should you use for your woollen wardrobe? Here, we explore how to wash wool safely.

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How do I wash wool?

Washing wool requires a little extra TLC, particularly when machine washing. Although wool is a super long-lasting and hard wearing material overall, improper care can cause a multitude of issues. So make sure to follow these tips.

Top Tips

Check the care label: Make sure to read your garment’s care label beforehand. Many woollen items are suitable for machine washing, but some particularly delicate items might be best hand-washed. The care label will also indicate the temperature you’ll need to use. Washing at lower temperatures is best as it will prevent damage.

Hand wash if needs be: If you’re unsure, you can hand wash a woollen garment by filling a sink or bath with water and adding a special hand washing detergent designed for wool. Follow the instructions, leaving the item to soak before rinsing carefully and laying to dry flat.

Choose a specialist detergent: For machine washable items, simply choose a gentle specialist detergent for wool and add it to your machine. This will ensure your items aren’t damaged or discoloured by harsh detergents. For those seeking high-quality knitwear, specialists such as Shop Aran offer a range.

Wash on a cool wash: Opt for a cooler thirty-degree wash to avoid shrinking, or you might find your favourite fisher man sweater is suddenly a tad too small.

Look at the pH: Choose specialist wool detergents that have a neutral pH and contain gentle ingredients, which will still remove stains and keep your knitwear fresh and clean.

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Unshrink an item: If the worst happens, you may be able to save your garment by gently stretching it out whilst it’s flat and pinning it into position.