
How to repair holes in a wool suit

A wool suit is a timeless wardrobe staple that can last for years when properly cared for. However, accidents happen, and even the most cherished garments can develop small holes or tears over time. Instead of retiring your favourite wool suit, consider these steps to repair its holes and prolong its life.

Assess the damage

First, carefully inspect your suits, as well as your mens Aran cardigans from specialists such as, for holes or tears. Smaller holes are often more manageable to repair and if you suspect that a hole may have been caused by a moth, place the suit in a bag in the freezer for a few days first to kill any eggs or larvae.

Gather Your Supplies

You will need a few essential tools and materials for the repair:

A needle and matching thread. Opt for a fine-gauge thread in a colour that closely matches your suit.

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A pair of sharp scissors.

An iron and ironing board.

Fusible interfacing. This is optional but recommended for larger holes.

Mending small holes

Thread your needle with a length of thread, knotting one end securely.

Using a careful, small running stitch, sew the edges of the hole together, working with the natural weave of the fabric.

Once you’ve closed the hole, knot the thread securely on the inside of the suit and trim any excess thread.

Finally, lightly press the repaired area with an iron on a low heat setting, using a pressing cloth to protect the wool.

Mending larger holes

If the hole is more extensive, consider using fusible interfacing as a stabiliser. Cut a piece of interfacing slightly larger than the hole and place it on the inside of the suit.

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Follow the same steps as for small holes, sewing the edges of the hole together with a matching thread.

After repairing, gently press the repaired area with an iron.

Repairing holes in a wool suit can be a rewarding DIY project, but for extensive damage or tears, it is advisable to seek assistance from a professional tailor or seamstress.