Technology News

Overtype or how to type on your computer like your old typewriter

This week we wrote an article in which we collect some of the best online pages when enjoy classic games in the browser. A very “vintage” experience, however, is not unique in its kind. Indeed, because in a context in which “retro” is booming, the market has lighting t ode class of such tools.

Some services and emulators (of operating systems, game consoles, etc.) that seek to meet the needs of the most nostalgic and an area where we cannot stop talking about Overtype, a simulator that lets you write as a few years ago and an old typewriter.

Overtype or how to type on your computer like your old typewriterExperience with Overtype

Thus Overtype itself as the first writing system on the web that recreates the experience of this machine in our “modern computer”. A benefit with its own rules for the implementation of which we mentalizing. Yes, because we will not let delete, use the cursor as we usually do, edit and a number of advantages to which we are accustomed, among others.

To give you an idea, this tool not only gives us the opportunity to type with typical typewriters We can choose fonts from three different (Courier, Special Elite or GNUTypewriter), the option is located on the top right – but it does offering parameters such as the amount of ink that, supposedly, we would have and others. This, incidentally, is running out with the passage of time, so it is even more realistic.

When we started writing, the feeling is curious, because it does not work smoothly, but as stumbling- in fact, if you go too fast stop aparecerte some letters. As we do hear the sound of the machine. At the end of the line, we cannot continue writing because the system understands that we have to slide the carriage (i.e. press enter, and here we also hear the “ding”).

Also, if you try to delete while driving, what we do is go back. We can also use the arrow keys to do so. For corrections will have to resort to corrective role and, of course, forget the traditional spelling checker. To change the color hold the ESC key.

Apart from performance and previously, the platform reveals some of the requirements, although they are of pure logic, we cannot comment. Among others, they say that we need a computer keyboard (touchscreen devices are not compatible with this system), and recommend us to have activated the sound for a “fully immersive experience.” Of course, ours has been.