Home Improvement

Expert Advice on Plastering Like a Pro

If you are thinking of redecorating your home, at some stage you will need to replaster your walls and ceilings. Plastering is a skill that can transform the look and feel of your home, as it provides a smooth and professional finish to your surfaces. However, plastering is not an easy skill to master, there are a few techniques you must understand before you can create a perfectly smooth finish. In this article, we will discuss these techniques and provide you with the knowledge so you can plaster like a pro.

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The first step when beginning to plaster a room in your home is to prepare the surfaces. You will need to remove any layers of excess paint, wallpaper, and debris from your walls. If you have any large cracks on your walls, it is a good idea to fill these first so you can more easily plaster them. Also, if you are plastering onto the plasterboard, make sure you have installed mesh take on your joins, so the plaster covers it more easily.

Achieving the right consistency is vital for achieving a smooth finish. You should follow the manufacturer’s instructions very carefully and use a bucket and mixing paddle. You should add the plaster to the water gradually and continue stirring to make sure you are not creating any lumps. If you have one, you can use an electric-powered mixer which will help to create a smoother mix.

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When applying the plaster, it is a good idea to start from the top of the wall and work your way down. This will prevent any spilt plaster from ruining the parts of the wall you have already finished. You should use a trowel and spread the plaster evenly onto the wall. Make sure to apply enough pressure to ensure the plaster has enough adhesion to the wall. However, too much pressure can lead to an uneven finish.

If after a few attempts at plastering your home yourself, you cannot achieve a smooth enough surface, you can contact a professional to come and plaster your walls for you. By employing a professional you will be able to guarantee a smooth finish, while also allowing you to focus on other jobs in your home. You can find Plasterers Cheltenham who can carry the work out for you.