
Six Common Examples of Trauma

Definition of Trauma

A good definition of trauma is any experience that causes overwhelming feelings of fear or distress. Trauma can be experienced in the body, thoughts or emotions. It can happen to anyone and the effects can be felt at any time after the event. There are many examples of trauma but some common ones are provided here.

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Trauma informed practice is a modern approach to supporting people who have experienced trauma. Rooted in empathy and understanding, it recognises the pervasive impact of trauma on individuals’ lives and strives to create environments that promote healing, safety and resilience. Comprehensive trauma informed practice training is provided by established experts like

More information about types of trauma and their effects can be found here:

Six Examples of Trauma

Physical Attack or Assault: Being attacked can lead to a wide range of symptoms, including flashbacks and high states of alert and fear.

Accidents and Natural Disasters: Being in an accident or disaster can have life-changing effects, particularly if others close to you have been affected.

Childhood Neglect: Physical or emotional neglect is a type of trauma that can have long-lasting effects. People may have difficulty forming healthy relationships, or be unable to regulate their own emotions.

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Physical or Sexual Abuse: These types of trauma involve the violation of individuals’ bodies, which can lead to difficulty in establishing boundaries later in life. People who experience trauma in this way may find it difficult to enjoy physical contact.

Sudden or Violent Death: An unexpected death can have a significant impact on a person’s feelings and thoughts, without being able to prepare for emotional pain.

Verbal or Emotional Abuse: This common form of abuse is often unseen and unrecognised by the person. It can be experienced in any relationship, both personal and professional.