
What to Look for When you are Choosing an Estate Agent

Deciding to sell your property is a big life decision, and you want to make sure that you make the right choices and have the right people around you when you are going through the sale of your property.

Of course, the first person that you are going to need help from when you are starting the process of selling your home is an estate agent like this Gloucester estate agents.

Choosing the right estate agent for you can make the process much easier – and first of all, you should know what it is that makes a good estate agent.

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If you are looking for someone to help you sell your house, here are some of the qualities to look for in an estate agent that makes an estate agent good…

People on a Waiting List – An estate agent that is well established and trusted, will often tend to have a list of people who are waiting for a property like yours. Have a look for an estate agent that has a history of selling properties like yours, as they are going to be where people go when they want a particular type of property or a property in a particular area.

Proactivity – In addition to having a list of people that are waiting, an estate agent should also then know who to contact and when to contact them to inform them of your property being on the market. You want an estate agent that devotes the time to selling your property rather than sitting back and hoping that someone comes in and asks about it.

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Good Marketing – You also want to find an estate agent that has a good understanding of marketing. Good marketing skills are an essential part in selling a property – from the photographs that can help to show your property in the best way, to the write up and what is included in it.

A good way to check this is to have a look at other properties that the agent is selling and see how appealing the photos and the write up are for them, as this gives you a good indicator of the marketing skills of that particular estate agent.