
The real deal?

With Christmas only a few weeks away, a decision needs to be made whether to have a real Christmas tree or an artificial one? A conversation that takes place every year in many homes and here we will take a look at the pros and cons of each kind of tree.

Having a real tree can bring a lovely, traditional and festive feel into your home. A real pine or fir will have a distinctive, fresh scent that you just don’t get with an artificial one. There are loads of different varieties to choose from and you can get one that fits in with your décor and size of room. Natural trees are great at taking in carbon dioxide and other harmful gases and releases fresh oxygen into the air. If sourcing goods locally and supporting local and rural businesses is something that is important for you, then buying a real Christmas tree will do both. You can also be safe in the knowledge that for every tree cut down, others are planted so there will always be a steady supply. For real Christmas trees Market Harborough, visit

The downsides include regular maintenance and a small possibility of being a fire risk if not dealt with properly. Unless you seek out a particular type of non-dropping tree, then the constant dropping of needles onto the floor can become tiresome and uncomfortable. There are less economical as they won’t last longer than the season and disposing of the tree can be awkward.


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If you decide on purchasing an artificial tree then there are some benefits that you will notice. These trees are more cost effective as they can used year on year. Artificial trees are produced to be flame retardant so you can relax about any fire risk concerns. Once decorated, there is zero maintenance required. The tree will not drop any needles and can be kept up for as long as you want there. Like the real trees, there are also a huge variety to choose from.

However, artificial trees can look fake and phony and of course are not particularly eco-friendly, being made from plastics and petroleum which are non-renewable. There will also be no benefit to the local economy as most trees are made abroad and shipped over, increasing their carbon footprint. Some of the trees can be a little complicated to assemble and of course will need space for storage. So if you have concerns about the impact on the environment then a real tree may be the answer for your home this Christmas.