
3 Points To Consider Before Posting On Facebook

The more engaged your fans on Facebook are the more likely they will become or continue to be customers. Just filling your page with the same old promotional stuff about your business is not going to keep people interested however.

If you want fans to really engage with your Facebook page then you need to really think about what is likely to make them want to click on to your page in the first place, and then comment on, and like your posts. The more they engage in this way the more likely they will be loyal to your business or brand in the future.

And remember the more people ‘like’ your posts the more likely Facebook is to put them high up on peoples home pages and so be seen by even more people.

Below are 3 things to consider when thinking of ideas for your Facebook content.

1.    What are your followers going to get from the post?
Your followers are not going to want to read the same old sales pitch or see images of the same old products. There has to be something in it for them to make it worth their while reading or looking at your posts. Although your ultimate goal may be to make them a customer the best way to achieve this on Facebook is to keep people engaged with entertaining and interesting wall posts. This could be anything from a sweepstake or raffle to something educational. Have a look in this great short article with 10 don’ts at your Facebook page in order to not lose the trust of your Facebook fans and followers

2.    Are you providing something original and new in your updates?
It is important that you don’t just repeat similar posts over and over. Followers will need something fresh to keep them engaged regularly. If you think of ideas for different types of content your followers shouldn’t get bored. For example sometimes you could share videos and articles that are educational, at others you could have promotions and games, and at other times you could publicise what your business gets up to behind the scenes. For example is there some community involvement you are involved in locally that you could publicise on Facebook?

It is good to have a mix and variety of types and styles of posts that will keep people looking at your site because they are interested to see what is going to come next. With all types of posts it is always good to encourage comments and discussion to keep followers even more engaged.

3.    Who are your fans?
Use the administrator panel to keep up to date with who your fans are. Here you will have statistics for the ages, gender, and geographic location of all your fans, who likes your postings and who is commenting on them. You can then use this information when thinking about your posts. If you have a lot of fans in certain countries, for example, then you could consider doing special promotions on the national holidays in those countries.