
How to become a business coach

Having a business coach can be a great way to advance a company and its capabilities. Business coaches can help people reach their ambitions. Becoming a business coach is also a very attractive career for those who have a lot of experience in the field and want to pass on their knowledge. There is not a set route to becoming a business coach, they each have their own journey. Some business coaches work one to one like at Randall-Payne, whereas others like to do seminars or webinars. Business coaches may also share their knowledge on YouTube or publish a book with information and advice.

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Business coaches are usually self-employed and therefore entrepreneurial in nature. They also may change or develop their methods and advice over time, this is normal as business is constantly changing. Becoming a business coach should therefore be a choice that is not taken lightly as it will be a continuous process of learning and helping others. It also means facing the possibility of being challenged or criticised. Writing and communication skills are vital and should constantly be enhanced. Good understanding of economics and people skills are also essential, as it is a public facing role with lots of collaboration involved.

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