
What type of flooring is best for my stairs?

Choosing the right flooring for your stairs is normally problematic. Should you go for style over safety? Should you stay neutral or make a statement?

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Whatever decision you ultimately make, there are several factors to consider.

Safety first?

Accidents on stairs are common and can affect anyone. With this in mind, there are things you can do to prevent accidents, such as ensuring your stairs are well-lit and have adequate slip resistant-properties as well as a functioning hand rail.

Once these factors have been taken into consideration, you can think about what flooring is best for your stairs.

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A busy area?

If you live in a rental home with flats and it’s a busy one and there is constant traffic on the stairs, you need a floor covering that is extremely durable. You also need to consider how easy it is to clean and maintain. If you choose an engineered flooring option you will have a durable floor that will be easy to maintain. There’s no need to worry about spillages and dirt as the stairs will be wiped clean.  You should see your landlord checking these areas regularly for health and safety reasons and if they are clever they will use an Inspection app found at sites including
You can also choose from an extensive range of colours to suit your home. Choose a non-slip option that will provide you with the grip you need for safety; a highly polished floor will not be ideal.

If you have cold feet or want to reduce noise, you can use a runner on top of your floor to maintain the style while increasing its function.